Toronto, Kids Can Press. c1984. 86pp, paper. ISBN 0-919964-81-8 (paperbound boards) $18.95, 0-919964-61-3 (paper) $9.95. CIP
Volume 13 Number 3
This is "the beginning of a new publishing program by the Ontario Science Centre" intended to encourage "everyone, young and old, to explore, experience and enjoy science." This sturdy oversize paperback is divided into six sections dealing with such topics as "Outdoors," "Puzzles," "Energy Savers," etc. Each section contains from five to eighteen or more experiments. There are eighty in all. Each activity takes one or two pages of text and is illustrated with lively cartoons and drawings by Tina Holdcroft. Young experimenters are invited to make things, e.g.. butter, a sundial, paper airplanes, etc. Other experiments explain phenomena, e.g. why icebergs float, where wind comes from, water pressure, etc. Clearly listed with each activity are the items needed (nothing expensive or difficult to obtain), what to do step-by-step, and an explanation of what happens. This book is aimed at youngsters from ages eight to twelve. The experiments can be done at home: They seem quite safe and should not cause too much mess. School and public libraries will want to stock this for young readers. It would also make an attractive gift book for this age group.
Ingrid vonHausen, Preston H.S., Galt, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works