Lee Hindle.
Volume 13 Number 4
This winner of the Flare Competition for young writers (13-18) fills all the requirements for a book likely to be popular with the non-dscriminating young teen, the one who thinks Flowers In The Attic and Carrie are the best books he/she has ever read. Horror, violence, and very obvious foreshadowing abound. On the plus side, this young author exhibits a good ear for current adolescent speech, a keen eye for detail, and a definite talent for transposing both into print. If the curtailment of self-indulgence that frequently comes with maturity materializes, future writing from this young author should be awaited with favourable anticipation.Barbara Conquest, D.S. MacKenzie J.H.S., Edmonton, AB. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works