Roberts, Douglas A. and others.
Toronto, OISE Press, c1985. 56pp, paper, $7.50, ISBN 0-7744-5073-8. (Science and Society Teaching Units) CIP
Volume 13 Number 5
There are easier ways of earning a living than teaching science to junior high school students. Teachers and their teaching materials must be flexible enough to accomodate the incurious, the bored, the unambitious, and the ferociously bright. The Interdependence of Living Things is a teacher's manual for general level program development, grades 7 and 8, and it offers a way to introduce a number of environmental concepts to junior high school students in episodes. For example, Episode 1 deals with the problem of raccoons encroaching on urban or domestic society. Student are given a story called "The Night Raiders" that describes the far-from-cute behaviour of raccoons who move into John's garage and make his life miserable. What is John to do? To help the students work out a solution they are given more background information about the behaviour of raccoons, plus discussion points such as: chase out, adopt, kill, sell house, etc., etc. The teacher is supplied with lesson plans, suggested answers to cover pros and cons in deciding on a solution, objectives, and evaluation examples. Other episodes deal with the food chain, communities in the scientific sense, an ecosystem, (using the desert terrarium as an example), and environmental pressures and what influences them. One of the aims of the authors is to encourage teachers to define certain ecological/scientific concepts in an interesting and relevant way. The orderly layout of the guide is good and the Interdependence of Living Things is a slim, inexpensive paperback but this economical document could have contained more illustrations and data. Notwithstanding, this resource is recommended for purchase for the professional section of any junior high library.
Eve Williams, MacNaughton H.S., Moncton, N.B. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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