Platnick, Phyllis.
Ottawa, Canadian Library Association, c1985. 337pp, paper, $30.00, ISBN 0-88802-194-1. CIP
Volume 13 Number 6
This valuable tool is a result of reference librarian Platnick's frustrations at college level trying to locate Canadian poetry criticisms for her students. It was compiled originally from a card file built up at the reference desk. The primary arrangement of this index is alphabetical by the poet whose work is criticized. Under each poet the subgroupings are: general works; bibliographies; book titles; individual poem titles." The contents of each entry has been checked for worthiness to researchers. Considering the dearth of reference books in Canadian poetry, this is a most welcome addition. The index analyses forty-four collections and 138 periodicals. There are thirteen authorities used as sources. The entries are well spaced in this typed, 81/2 x 11 format with upper case letters for the poets' surname and underlined titles for the works under consideration. From Atwood, (109 entries), to Livesay, (forty-three entries), Pratt, (forty-one entries), and D.C. Scott, (seventeen entries), the index itself is a revelation of the numbers of poets included, both French and English. Anyone studying Canadian literature will find their workload, teaching, or searching greatly reduced, and I am sure horizons expanded as to the numbers of periodicals in the discipline beyond those well-known standards. This bright, yellow-covered publication should be in every library's reference collection and in the hands of all teachers of CanLit.
Ted Monkhouse, Wellington County Board of Education, Guelph, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works