Hunter, Dette and Jocelyn Shipley.
Newmarket (Ont.), Traditions Press, c1984. l00pp, paper spiral bound, $6.95, ISBN 0-9691869-0-8. Distributed by Traditions Press, 366 Millard Ave., Newmarket, Ont., L3Y 1Z9. CIP
Volume 13 Number 6
This attractive little ring-bound book is an absolute gem, one that makes me yearn to be starting over again with a young family with whom to share its creative ideas. But no matter. Even Scrooge or the Grinch would be won over by the delicious recipes, festive decorations, and easy-to-make gift ideas, so delightfully presented in Making Your Own Traditions. The book was the inspiration of two young mothers in Newmarket, Dette Hunter and Joyce Shipley. Launched in October, 1984, it has already had its third printing (May, 1985, 5000 books), and in this reviewer's opinion will probably go into many more. Designed to help busy young families celebrate an old-fashioned Christinas with the least fuss and stress, Making Your Own Traditions does just that. Every page has amusing sketches, the paper is durable and semi-gloss, the type clear. In short, the book is well designed to withstand the heavy usage it is bound to receive. School libraries will need several copies to satisfy the demand for books about handicrafts, recipes, and Christmas. It would also be a most acceptable gift for any adult interested in those subjects. A four star recommendation for this one.
Joan M. Payzant, Dartmouth, N.S. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works