Gilroy, Doug.
Saskatoon, Western Producer Prairie Books, c1985. 122pp, paper, $14.95, ISBN 0-88833-155-X.CIP
Volume 13 Number 6
Many readers, no doubt, are familiar with Doug Gilroy's work. Prairie Wildlife is his fourth book published by Western Producer Prairie Books. For the past thirty-one years, he has been writer and photographer for a nature column in The Western Producer newspaper. Prairie Wildlife has fifty full-page colour photographs, each accompanied by a short description. The format of the book has the description on the back of the image ratlier than beside or under it, requiring tiie reader to flip pages in order to refer to the photograph being described. The strength of this book is in its photographs. They convey the sense of drama and colour that Gilroy finds in nature. Prairie Wildlife is a picture book rather than a reference book. The short, chatty descriptions give little technical information about either his subjects or his photographic techniques. The book includes images of plants, insects, birds, and animals. Over half of the photographs are of birds. Eleven of these have been published previously in Gilroy's Prairie Birds in Colour (Western Producer Prairie Books, 1976). However, the quality of the reprinting of his work in Prairie Wildlife is much better. Gilroy fans will welcome this new book. Those not familiar with his work will be impressed by the impact of his images of the outdoors.
Joanne Robertson, The Pas, Man. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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