no.l-, 1972--.Toronto, Socialist Perspectives for Youth. 6 issues a year. $2.50. Distributed by Rebel Youth, 24 Cecil St., Toronto, Ont., M5T 1N2. Example: no.71,June 1985.
Volume 13 Number 6
The title is exactly what this bi-monthly socialist magazine is all about, rebellion. Curiously this radical left-wing news medium is more about the rebellions in society than about the youth involvement. The feature cover story demands a stop to star wars with Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan using their laser guns to destroy everything in space and on earth. Sit-ins at Fort Saskatchewan High School to protest the cruise missile, the boycott of Baton's department stores, the British coal miners' strike, and the British Columbia trusteeship issue with education minister Jack Heinrich take up most of the June issue. Throughout the issue the reader is encouraged to join the Young Communist League at nine addresses from Quebec to British Columbia. For those readers not familiar with the vocabulary of violence and world rebellion, the editors have provided a "Rebelwords" puzzle, complete with answer key. For the uninitiated youthful mind this periodical can only lead to deadly cynicism of the western democratic way of life.
Kenneth A. Elliott, Laval Catholic H.S., Chomedey, Que. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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