Vol. 1-, 1983--. Toronto, Bridges. 6 issues a year. $10.00, ISSN 08244960. Distributed by Bridges, 160 Perth Ave., Toronto,Ont., M6P 3X5. Example: vol. 2, no. 2 Nov./Dec. 1984
Volume 14 Number 1
The first six issues of Bridges magazine have been distributed free to over thirty-seven thousand Canadian teachers. The November-December 1984 issue indicates that, due to popular demand for this magazine, a subscription will now have to be charged to cover costs. Bridges magazine's stated intention is to provide up-to-date articles related to the teaching of science, geography, environmental studies, the social sciences, and humanities. It is intended as a "bridge" between various disciplines. It plans to maintain an authoritative voice on these disciplines, and contributors are drawn from learned institutions in the United States and Canada. This reviewer notes, however, a greater emphasis on science and technology. The editorial advisory board has on its staff representatives from the Ontario ministry of education, the North York board of education, and Trent University, along with staff members of several Ontario secondary schools. Advertising support is very prominent, especially from governmental departments, but it is tastefully laid out. Bridges is not indexed in CPI. As a teacher-librarian, my first reaction to this magazine was to dissect it to send different articles to different members of my staff. I cannot, therefore, recognize it as a "bridge." However, the articles are well-written, authoritative, up-to-date, aimed at teachers, and, perhaps, most important of all, Canadian. It is a magazine to which I would subscribe for location in our staffroom, if I had funds for such a luxury in British Columbia.
Yoskyl Webb, Sutherland S.S., North Vancouver, B.C. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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