Livesay, Dorothy.
Fredericton, Fiddlehead Poetry Books/Goose Lane Editions, n.d. 76pp, paper, $7.95, ISBN 0-86492-045-8. CIP
Volume 14 Number 1
Nearly fifty years after she began publishing, Dorothy Livesay is still one of our vigorous young poets, a fact amply evidenced by this new collection published for her seventy-fifth birthday. The first section, "Family Tree: A Suite," makes a strong impression with several poems on aging, especially "Old Soldier," "F.R.L.," and "Euthanasia." Her interest in women and women's issues is reflected in "Voices of Women," which has tributes to other women poets and two fully explicit celebrations of the physical side of a lesbian relationship in "Towards A Love Poem" and "Arms and The Woman." Elsewhere, fans of Monty Python will find an appreciation to his violent little old ladies, and anyone who has lost luggage will enjoy "Fable: The Bare Necessities." Environmental concerns receive a new twist in "Protecting The Environment," in which she advises Grey Owl that the birches are endangered by "our jolly friend/(our cunning enemy)/the Canadian beaver." "Precautions" is the stuff of last night's newscast: Oranges oranges
Recommended for public libraries; high school librarians will probably want to examine it before purchase.
Pat Bolger, Renfrew C.I., Renfrew, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works