Danyluk, Joe J.
Toronto, Guidance Centre, Faculty of Education, University of Toronto, n.d. 35pp, paper, $3.25, ISBN 0-7713-0188-X.CIP
Volume 14 Number 1
This small booklet is composed of seventeen student exercises to help the student with all aspects of learning, from a diagnostic checklist, to creating a practice schedule, to test-taking skills. The introduction to the exercises is a summary of an article from the Journal of Educational Psychology illustrating the value of homework. Preceding this is a list of "educator reactions" to the unit, including comments from an English teacher, a social studies teacher, a high school principal, and the co-ordinating editor of the Guidance Centre. From there, the author provides various exercises to be used by the instructor in the regular curriculum. At various points suggestions are provided for additional reading, or a particular audio-visual presentation is described that would enhance the information being learned. The skills being dealt with are very important and the information being provided is quite appropriate for the age group intended. (The SQ3R study method, Survey-Question-Read-Recite-Review, is often introduced to first-year university students.) However, I did find the arrangement of the material a hit hard to follow. The instructions for use are never clearly stated. (My assumption stated above regarding how the material is to be used was based solely on a note found on the verso of the title page.) In some cases there are notes for the "Presenter" at the bottom of the page. In other cases, the exercises read as though a student would be using the booklet. In its favour though, the booklet does have a helpful table of contents, and many of the exercises are useful. The format could use more organization however to make this a recommended purchase.
JoAnna B. Patton, ECS School for Girls, Westmount, Que. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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