Suzuki, David with Barbara Hehner.
Toronto, Stoddart, c1985. 96pp, paper, $8.95, ISBN 0-7737-5039-8. (Stoddart Young Reader). CIP
Volume 14 Number 1
David Suzuki is a household name. As one of the great science popularizers through "Quirks and Quarks" on radio and "the Nature of Things" on television, he has managed to intrigue us, entertain us, and provoke us into considering the wonders of science. In print, however, he is surprisingly low-key. Looking at Plants is aimed at upper-elementary readers, and it is a simple spring-board for learning. It contains no razzmatazz, nor expensive plates in glorious technicolour. Most of the experiments, such as growing bean plants in a maze, making pioneer ink, drying plants, etc., can be done without adult supervision. Other projects that require adult intervention have a special symbol: Ө . So, when making granola,or paper, or a bottle garden, and adult help is needed, the Ө symbol appears. With Suzuki and Hehner's book, the keen student can learn how to judge the height of a tree, discover how far seeds travel, find out if plants really breathe, and much more. Their experiments require only minimal preparation and low-cost equipment, such as paper clips, magnifying glass, and a supply of seeds, leaves, and enthusiasm. Recommended for purchase for use by upper-elementary teachers for their curious and independent learners.
Eve Williams, Macnaughton H.S., Moncton, N.B. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works