Sean O'Huigin.
Illustrated by Barbara Di Lella.
Volume 14 Number 2
The Dinner Party ¹, Scary Poems for Rotten Kids ², and now this. The book is impossible to review. All one can do is collect reactions. "Distasteful." "Outrageous." "I would never have thought of anything so gross." It captures the curious anxiety of a small child regarding an odd, non-functional part of himself that does look as if it went all the way through. Some of the five-year-olds giggled a bit, but some of them were as worried as the boy himself. The illustrator has done her clever best; the belly button people are sexless, though naked, the boy is mostly clothed, but the whole thing is quite unnecessary. l will not shelve this book. Grace E. Funk, Harwood E.S., Vernon BC.
¹ Reviewed vol. Xlll/2 March 1985, p. 87. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works