
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Camilla Gryski. Illustrated by Tom Sankey.
Toronto, ON: Kids Can Press, 1985.
80pp., paper, $9.95.
ISBN 0-919954-66-4. cloth, $19.95. ISBN 0-919964-76-1. CIP.

Subject Heading:
String figures-Juvenile literature.

Grades 2 and up / Ages 7 and up

Reviewed by Christine Buchanan.

Volume 14 Number 2
1986 March

Camilla Gryski's new collection of string games will undoubtedly be as widely enjoyed as her 1983 publication, Cat's Cradle, Owl's Eyes: A Book of String Games ¹. The book begins by repeating from the first collection important basic information such as how to make a string, basic positions, terminology, and techniques. Twenty-one string figures are then described, graded in increasing order of difficulty. Also included are a cat's cradle of many sequences that can be done by one person, and three stories that incorporate string figures into the telling. Throughout the book, the author weaves in interesting cultural and historical information, simple variations, and accompanying activities to extend the fun. As in the first collection, line drawings by Tom Sankey clearly illustrate each stage of the figures.

This book is highly recommended for school and public libraries, and also for teachers, librarians, storytellers, and group leaders who want to incorporate this intriguing form of storytelling into their programs. Parents wishing to introduce their children to an activity that is fun, creative, simple yet infinitely variable, and a fascinating link with people in other times and places, cannot do better than to show them this book or its predecessor.

Christine Buchanan, Toronto, Ont.

¹ Reviewed vol. XII/4 July 1984, p. 159.

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Young Canada Works