vol. 1-, 1971-.Waterloo (Ont.), Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo. 4 issues a year. $15.00 (individuals) $20.00(institutions). Distributed by Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., N2L 3G1. Example: vol. 12 nos. 3/4 Spring/Summer 1985.
Volume 14 Number 2
In the editorial, "Environment and Development," that begins this special double issue of Alternatives, a clear message is conveyed. Development initiatives can be compatible with environmental stewardship. A number of success stories are recounted, and even the descriptions of areas of difficulty can be seen as recognition of problems, and therefore a step toward positive response. In the lead article, deforestation, massive soil erosion, deteriorating water quality, and other forms of environmental abuse are seen as playing important roles in causing wars, regional and national insecurity, and internal strife. Subsequent articles deal with such problems as the deteriorating situation of women in developing countries, the lack of environmental concern that international aid agencies such as CIDA show when promoting industrial development in Third World countries, and the effects of logging in the Queen Charlotte Islands. On a more positive note are articles on improving energy conservation, ecodevelopment projects, and sustainable food systems. A special report on the Conserver Society examines the conserving philosophy, and considers such examples as recycling projects, local exchange trading, and food co-operatives. Each article is followed by a description of its authors (who include development consultants, university professors and students, and members of various conservation agencies), detailed references, and often additional source material lists. Alternatives's major articles are followed by an interview, book reviews, letters to the editor, and a series of very interesting short news reports on Canadian and world-wide environmental activities and technological developments. The format of Alternatives makes it easy to read. Articles are accompanied by illustrations and black-and-white photographs. However, the complex nature of the subject matter makes it unsuitable for those below the senior high school level. School libraries might consider purchasing it as a very good resource for social science and environmental studies teachers.
Susan E. Fowler, Centennial S.S., Belleville, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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