
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Buszek, Beatrice Ross.

Halifax, Nimbus Publishing, c1985. 204pp, paper, spiralbound, $8.95, ISBN 0-920852-48-3.

Grades 9 and up
Reviewed by Joyce Brown

Volume 14 Number 2
1986 March

The Apple Connection is the fifth and final book in the Connection culinary series. Beatrice Ross Buszek has had a distinguished career as a college professor and administrator. The mock thriller title is a gentle gibe at the success of other academics who have written mystery stories as a sideline to their teaching careers.

The book is a homey collection of apple recipes, the type passed down within the family or shared with friends. There is also included variations of familiar recipes. They are deliberately arranged in a random order to encourage the reader to browse through the book and then attempt dishes that might not otherwise be tried if they were grouped together under such headings as "pies" or "salads," as is usual in most cook books. A table of contents does, however, list all the recipes under the usual headings.

To further give the book the feel of a family collection, the format of the individual recipes varies. This makes it less useful for students, but adds to the charm of the book for a home collection. A further disadvantage for school use is that the recipes are in imperial measures only. This is unlikely to be a problem for home use. A somewhat lengthy introduction is typed, but the recipes are all handprinted. Attractive drawings are interspersed throughout the book. Recommended for general use.

Joyce Brown, Dunsmuir Junior S.S., Victoria, B.C.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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