Philippe Beha. HOW MANY?
Philippe Beha. WHERE DO YOU SLEEP?
Philippe Beha. WHOSE IS IT?
Philippe Beha.
Volume 14 Number 3
For so long, few Canadian board books of value existed. Now, to add to such series as Lorimer's Little Big Books, Lorimer's Tot-books, and Tundra's Baabee Books, comes this new series called Jumblebooks. Small in size (each book is about 7 cm square), these fit tiny hands comfortably. Each consists of eighteen pages, plus the two covers. lllustrations, done by Philippe Beha, are simple, colourful, and cartoon-like. The humour of each situation is fully exploited by the artist. Backgrounds are plain white, so offer no distractions. No words are provided for the children, but in small print on the back cover clues are given, presumably for the adult introducing these books to the young ones. For young children, but not the very young, these require thought and matching on the part of the child. Introduced with flair, these could well form the basis for great fun between adult and child. Getting Dressed says on the back cover: "It's not easy to get dressed. Does your sock go on your nose? Or on your foot? Does your coat button up the back? Or up the front? See if you can figure it out." The left-hand page each time shows an article of clothing being put on the wrong way. The right-hand page shows it on correctly. This title could be used with younger children than the other three since the articles are more familiar at an earlier age. As a result, the humour will be apparent and will elicit lots of chuckles. How Many? states: "Does the dog want 5 red apples? Or 5 juicy bones? Does the chicken want 6 sour lemons? Or 6 tasty pieces of corn? Help each animal count their favourite food." Each right-hand page shows an animal with the appropriate food and the number given, Each left-hand page shows an animal with the wrong food and no number indicated. The child could count the food and then find the right animal to which to feed it. Where do you Sleep? on the back cover tells that: "The ant sleeps in an anthill / And the bee sleeps in a hive / But does a mouse go to bed on a lilypad? / And does kitty spend the night in a fishbowl? / Help everyone find the best place to sleep." The book starts with an owl on a pillow, a bird in a doghouse, and a chicken on a nest. Each animal presented is shown twice, once in the wrong place and once in the right place. The child has fun deciding where it really belongs. Some previous experience with books on anima]s would be necessary. For example, to know that bees belong in hives and ants in anthills, and to distinguish between them, requires rather fine discrimination. Whose Is It? says: "The fireman drives a truck / Not a scooter! / And the jockey rides a horse / Not a rocket! / Can you find the right combination?" Each page shows a kind of transportation with the driver being once in the correct uniform and once in the wrong one. The fun comes in matching correctly. As vocabulary stretchers, as matching exercises, or just as plain fun, these may be useful. They are not as sturdy as first appears, however. Two of the review copies already have pages beginning to split. With the heavy expected use from small ones, they may not last long.Maureen Pammett, Bridgenorth, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works