Hunter, Onalee.
Winnipeg. Prairie Publishing, c1985. 70pp, paper. $7.95. ISBN 0-919576-09-5. CIP
Volume 14 Number 3
In the year 1001, human beings were in danger of losing one of their most valued possessions, their imagination. To prevent this catastrophe, beings come to earth from the planet Incognito. An earthquake traps half of the aliens on earth and the others return to their own world. Over the next fifteen hundred years, the Corriyestils continue their mission on earth, but back on Incognito an evil force overtakes the planet and once again, the human mind is threatened. This book was written by a twelve-year-old girl from Winnipeg. Within this context, she should be commended for having chosen a difficult genre and for writing a reasonably successful story. If reviewed by adult standards, however, there are several technical weaknesses that prevent this book from being a fully developed fantasy. The story lacks a strong central character and the ones that are introduced are used primarily as devices to advance the plot. Hence the action is at times jerky and difficult to follow. The author manages to create an appropriately ominous atmosphere and sets the stage for the universal battle between good and evil. However, the ultimate confrontation between two young girls who have extra sensory powers, and the villains (C.H. War, I.M. Evil, E.E. Saten, etc.) has little dramatic impact. Her style, although awkward, shows promise. One wishes she had used fewer adjectives in her descriptions and not had so many run on sentences. Given these obvious structural weaknesses, one has to consider this novel in its proper perspective and realize, that for a twelve year old, it is pretty good stuff.
Patricia Sentence, Nepean P.L., Nepean, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works