
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Halpenny, Francess G.

Toronto, Book and Periodical Development Council, c1985. 280pp, paper, spiral bound, $50.00, ISBN 0-9692164-0-8. Distributed by the Book and Periodical Development Council, 34 Ross St., Toronto, Ont., M5T 1Z9.CIP

Reviewed by Adele Ashby

Volume 14 Number 4
1986 July

Canadian Collections in Public Libraries is the report of a research project carried out under the auspices of the Book and Periodical Development Council, an umbrella group of organizations connected to the book trade. It is part of a series of studies commissioned by the federal department of communications to explore the current state and activities of the Canadian book trade as part of a policy development initiative. Carried out in 1983-4, the inquiry looked at the English Canadian book and periodical collections of fifteen libraries, five small, five medium, and five large sized. Questionnaires produced data on the context of each library's collection development. The project was undertaken because, despite an-increasing number of Canadian titles, little information was available about Canadian libraries' holdings.

Some interesting trends emerged from the data, e.g., the Prairies and Ontario have larger holdings of Canadians than British Columbia or Atlantic Canada. Incredible as it may seem, Robert Munch's Jonathan Cleaned Up, which exists in record, book, and film form, and Klinck's Literary History of Canada were not held by two out of five of the small libraries. Although the inquiry makes it clear that much progress has been made, it is also very clear that much more needs to be done to ensure that Canadian have access to their own books in publicly supported institutions.

Adele Ashby, Toronto, Ont.
line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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