
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Edited by Thomas Green, Patricia Sauerbrci, and Don Sedgwick. Oakville (Ont.), Frederick Harris Musk Co., c1986. 195pp, paper. ISBN 0-88797-143-1 (cloth) $24.95, 0-88797-228-4 (paper) $1455. Distributed by Frederick Harris Music Co., 529 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont., L6K 2G4.CIP

Grade 8 and up
Reviewed by Dianne Clipsham

Volume 14 Number 4
1986 July

The stated purpose of this collection of essays is "to provide Canadian students with expert glimpses of a variety of music-related careers." It is necessary to emphasize that this means classical or serious music; for popular music, students are referred to "Some Straight Talk About the Music Business”* by Mona Coxson. The experts encompass a wide range of Canadians from across the country who have become successful in one or another aspect of serious music. They include a critic, teachers, performers, a radio programmer, a music librarian, a music therapist, a manager, a publisher, a church musician, a composer, a researcher, and an instrument-maker. The range of treatment varies from the personal essays of Stephen Staiyk, violinist, and piano teacher, Dorothy Morton, to the pragmatic advice of Patricia Wardrop on music research, "Researchers must have good eyes.. .and not be allergic to dust, paper, or printer's ink," to the professional, detached tone of William Littler on being a music critic.

If there is a common theme running through this fascinating collection, it is cautionary enthusiasm. The musicians echo the feeling expressed by Albert Schweitzer to those offering their services to his humanitarian work in Africa: "If at all possible, don't come." The implications for those considering music as a career are obvious; unless you experience a call, do not bother. If you do, the rewards are many, if, for the most part, intangible.

The book succeeds admirably in its stated purpose; in fact, it goes further. For the most part, the essays are entertaining reading for those considering a career in music, or their parents.

Dianne Clipsham, A.Y. Jackson S.S., Kanata, Ont.

*Reviewed XIII/1 January 1985 p. 32.

line indexes


1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995


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Young Canada Works