Edited by William A. Andrews and Donna K. Moore. Scarborough (Ont.), Prentice-Hall, c1986. 293pp. paper, $18.80, ISBN 0-13-503186-9.CIP
Volume 14 Number 4
William Andrews is one of Ontario's foremost science educators and is a professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Toronto. The four books in the first edition of his series, Contours: Studies of the Environment, have been used by science teachers as authoritative texts in environmental studies for several years. Now, a second edition of Investigating Terrestrial Ecosystems, the first book in the series, has been published. The stated purpose of this soft-covered book is to help the student understand the ecology of main terrestrial ecosystems. To achieve this purpose, the authors have investigated thoroughly how students read and retain print information. As well as maintaining the integrity of the scientific content of the original edition, great attention has been paid to the presentation of material and to the reading level of the intended audience. The wide left-hand margin, limited text per page, and interspacing of photos and diagrams are important devices to stimulate interest and reading comprehension. The extensive use of green-and-black print for headings and for highlighting key words creates a skeletal outline of the text that assists in note-taking, reviewing, and remembering key concepts. Chapters are divided into short sections, each with a brief review for immediate reinforcement. Uncomplicated activities are suggested that enrich each unit and that can easily be carried out in the classroom. Several field trip suggestions are also included. Environmental studies teachers will certainly want copies of this excellent textbook in the classroom and in the school library.
Olive Bowles, Beverley Heights J.H.S., North York, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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