Kalman, Bobbie and Maureen Shaughnessy.
Toronto, Crabtree Publishing, c1985. 56pp, paperbound boards, $12.76, ISBN 0-86505-42-2. (The Holidays and Festivals series). CIP
Kalman, Bobbie and Tina Holdcroft.
Toronto, Crabtree Publishing, c1985. 56pp, paper-bound boards, $12.76, ISBN 0-86505-041-4. (The Holidays and Festivals series). CIP
Kalman, Bobbie and Karen Harrison.
Toronto, Crab-tree Publishing, c1985.56pp, paperbound boards, $12,76, ISBN 0-86505-043-0. (The Holidays and Festivals series). CIP
Kalman, Bobbie and Lisa Smith.
Toronto, Crabtree Publishing, c1985. 56pp, paper-bound boards, $12.76, ISBN 0-86505-040-6. (The Holidays and Festival series). CIP
Kalman, Bobbie; Allan Drew-Brook-Cormack; and Deborah Drew-Brook-Cormack.
Toronto, Crabtree Publishing, c1985. 56pp, paperbound boards. $12.76. ISBN 086505-039-2. (The Holidays and Festival series). CIP
Volume 14 Number 4
Bobbie Kalman is listed as the senior editor of this series of five titles that comes from a company and an author who have made names for themselves with the Early Settlers and In My World series. I therefore opened these books with expectation. But I was disappointed. True that the books have games and rhymes and crafts and customs and stones and vocabulary and child-practical recipes appropriate to the season. But all the meaning has gone out of them. Some of the activities might be fun (dreadful word) to do, but why? The wonderful, changed, and twisted, but carried-on traditions that come from the depths of our human souls and make us members of one race have been passed over, perhaps in the interests of simplicity. People ate hot cross buns to "keep them healthy all year." No mention of moon cakes, or the goddess Diana. Some of the Christmas customs are just plain wrong. The "Christmas rose," for instance, is illustrated as a briar rose, not a hellebore. The spring and Easter books overlap a little, naturally, but not much. We Celebrate Spring mentions Groundhog Day, St. Patrick's Day, and April Fool's Day. The reading level is Grade 2/3. The illustrations are large and brightly coloured, and each book has a different illustrator named. The style, is basal reader throughout. The verses are regrettable; the stories are trite. The index in each book, however, is unexpected and useful. There is a strong international flavour in all the books, with many customs described "around the world." This also creates a little overlapping, since many sensible cultures celebrate New Year in the spring. The books will be useful in primary classrooms, but as a librarian, I am unhappy with the spring-cleaning child who "found all her overdue library books and.. .put them into...a box."
Grace E. Funk, Hanvood E.S., Vernon, B.C. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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