Prentice-Hall Media, 1985. Sound Filmstrip. 3-72 frames, colour. $127.00. (1. Individuality and Conformity 2. Individual Freedom and Social Responsibility 3. Minority Rights and Majority Welfare) Includes 3 audiocassettes, teacher's guide. Distributed by Prentice-Hall Canada, 1870 Birchmount Rd., Scarborough, Ont., M1P 237.
Volume 14 Number 4
This program provides a good introduction to the theme of individual rights and responsibilities in society. The issues and ideas are thoroughly covered. However, there is perhaps not enough background structure to give students a proper frame of reference. The teacher's guide is well done in that it provides suggestions for pre- and post-viewing, questions, activities, debate, and research topics, and a copy of the narrative script. Recommended.
From the Evaluation Committee of the Board of Education for the City of North York. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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