Thornhill (Ont.), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Canadian Region, c1985. 183pp, cloth, $40.00, ISBN 0-9692316-0-1. Distributed by IEEE Canadian Region 7 Office, 7061 Yonge St., Thornhill, Ont., L3T 2A6.
Volume 14 Number 5
This festschrift is a centennial project of the Canadian Region of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Canadian Region. Written by a number of IEEE members, it commemorates one hundred years of activity and accomplishment in the electrical-electronic industries of Canada. This bilingual edition traces the history and development of the field from its beginnings in the middle of the last century. It offers brief information on notables such as A.G.L. McNaughton and traces the development of education in the field. History and activities of IEEE, Canadian Region complete the volume. Throughout the text are excellent black-and-white photos, most of historical interest. This book is, of course, of special interest to IEEE members and technical libraries across Canada. High school libraries will wish to consider it however, as the material, though unfortunately not indexed, is of interest to students of electricity and electronics, as well as students in science and history and geography. College and university libraries where courses in electricity-electronics are offered, will want to consider it too.
Ingrid von Hausen, Preston H.S., Cambridge, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works