Walsh, Patrick.
Toronto, Playwrights Canada, c1985. 99pp. paper. $5.45. ISBN 0-887S4-3S7-1. CIP
Volume 14 Number 5
In twenty-six brief scenes.,Louisbourg tells the story of Jacqueline Rousseau and her husband, Michel, a young French volunteer for duty at Louisbourg in 1715. Their lives, the birth of twins, a child's death, Michel's death in battle, the arrival of grandchildren, are interwoven w'ith the history of Louisbourg to its surrender in I758. Minimal stage directions indicate the use of large puppets, masks, music, and projected slides in the original production at the fortress. Effective scenes like the burial of Michel, which alternates the burial service with the ranting of a victorious Yankee minister, seem lost amid declamations: "I am the primordial dust/Spewn [sic] from the bowels of the earth ..." Jacqucline's remark on receiving the cloak of her slain husband is grotesque: "There was not enough of Michel to put in a pail." The shorter play, Growing up in Louisbourg, tells of a naughty little boy who defies his parents, and then gains wisdom through experience and the advice of a kindly owl. Reading these plays is, one suspects, a very poor substitute for seeing them.
Pat Bolger, Renfrew C./., Renfrew, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works