Madryga, Roxanne and David Osborne.
Vancouver, WEDGE. cl986. 22lpp. paper. $15.00. ISBN 0-88865-050-7. Distributed by Western Education Development Group, Faculty of Education. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.. V6T 1Z5. CIP
Volume 14 Number 5
Roxanne Madryga is co-director of the Collaborative Program for Professional Development, a school-based teacher training program of the University of British Columbia. Madryga leads seminars on cross-cultural communication (or the Vancouver City Police and has developed video tapes on precision leaching and multicultural education for Knowledge Network. David Osborne is an archilect and urban designer working on residential urban planning and landscaping projects. His research and study of the relationship between culture and architecture have been applied to the design of a mosque, a redevelopment project in Kuwait, and a design proposal for a Chinese community centre. The authors have developed this large book to provide curriculum reflecting the diverse cultural heritage of children in Canadian schools. Although this source-book focusses on the Indian culture, the concepts and activities apply to all cultures. This book can be used by teachers and students in a variety of ways. Organized as a series of topics that describe elements of culture, each section is self-contained and can be used as a unit of study for learning aboui India or for cross-cultural comparisons. The text will help teachers become familiar with the culture of India and the contributions Indians have made to literature, religion, art. architecture, and philosophy. Students from grades 7 to 12 will find the sourcebook a useful reference for research on the Indian culture and as a guide for developing positive attitudes toward their own culture and the culture of others. The multicultural activities can be adapted to any grade level and can be used separately or in conjunction with the text. They emphasize the inquiry approach; finding out, analyzing found information, and practising and confirming cultural understanding. A Sourcebook of India stresses the similarities among cultures, while celebrating their fascinating differences, It is beautifully illustrated with black-line drawings, has a large listing of resource materials about India, and contains a glossary-index. This book belongs in every school library.
Algis Tribinevicius, Tehkummah, Manitoulin Island, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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