Bennett, Paul W.and Cornelius J. Jaenen.
Scarborough (Ont.), Prentice-Hall, c1986. 568pp, paper, $18.10, ISBN 0-13-274200-4.CIP
Volume 14 Number 6
As the title implies, this is a collection of twenty selected Canadian history problems. "Problems" in this case seems to imply a contentious issue that has many different interpretations. Each problem study is dealt with in the following manner: (1) an introduction that seeks to identify the critical issues; (2) a selection of documentary materials from contemporary sources; (3) a selection of key interpretations; and (4) a bibliographic guide to further reading. The authors hope that this book "will serve to introduce students to some of the critical sources, contentious issues and ongoing controversies which enliven the study of Canada's past." The topics the authors have selected include the major contentious issues such as the Riel rebellions, regionalism, conscription, and separatism, to mention only a few. The coverage of each issue is very good, with a good balance of points of view. I should think that every senior high school teacher of Canadian history would want to have this book, as it is an excellent reference source. History teachers might also want to consider this as supplementary material for classes; it could be used to stimulate discussion or debate. The reading level, however, would limit use to the senior high school. Also recommended for purchase for all senior high school libraries.
Walter Kalyn, Thom C.I., Regina, Sask. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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