Edited by Barbara E.Turner. Erin (Ont.), The Porcupine's Quill. c1986.239pp, paper, $10.95, ISBN 0-88984-092-X.
Volume 14 Number 6
Sixty contributors provide short tributes, reminiscences, poems (serious and comic), photographs, drawings, and paintings directed at the remarkable figure of Robin Skelton, a man who, in his versatility and rich output as teacher and writer, has done an immeasurable amount toward the propagation of good writing in Canada. Margaret Atwood pays tribute, as does George Woodcock, Ralph Gustafson, Thomas Kinsella, and fifty-odd others, We see the shape of Skelton's career in these brief pieces: writing and teaching in England (at Leeds and Manchester Universities), beginning his shift to North America (in 1962), developing creative writing courses at Victoria University in British Columbia, founding the Malahat Review, taking editorial control of Sono Nis Press, reading his poems at many venues in Canada and the United States, translating George Faludy's poetry (are-cent and most remarkable achievement), and on, and on. This is not a book that can easily fit into any course. Nor is it a reference work, though it contains a biographical synopsis, a checklist of Skelton's works, and a number of his poems and prose pieces. It can very usefully, however, fill a space on shelves at schools and colleges where the recent history of Canadian literature is studied. Alan Thomas, Scarborough College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works