Allison, Jay and others.
Toronto, Federation of Women Teacher's Associations of Ontario, 1986. Kit. 8 biography cards, 8 picture cards, 8 name cards, 1 bulletin board title, boxed. $13.00. Includes teacher's activity folder, student activity folder, bibliography. Distributed by FWTAO, 1260 Bay St., Toronto, Ont., M5R2B8.
Allison, Jay and others.
Toronto, Federation of Women Teacher's Associations of Ontario, 1986. Kit. 18 biography cards, 18 picture cards, 18 name cards, 1 bulletin board title, boxed. $15.00. Includes teacher activity folder, student activity folder, bibliography. Distributed by FWTAO, 1260 Bay St., Toronto, Ont., M5R2B8.
Allison, Jay and others.
Toronto, Federation of Women Teacher's Associations of Ontario, 1986. Kit. 32 biography cards, 32 picture cards, 32 name cards, 1 bulletin board title, boxed. $19.00. Includes teacher's activity folder, student activity folder, bibliography. Distributed by FWTAO, 1260 Bay St., Toronto, Ont., M5R 2B8.
Volume 14 Number 6
These curriculum units, developed by teachers for the Federation of Women Teacher's Associations of Ontario to try and balance the male and female role models available to students, contain pictures and biographies of women who have been prominent in Canada's history, culture, and sport. Beginning with just eight women at the primary level (Nancy Greene, Abby Hoffman, James (Miranda) Barry, Emily Stowe, Margaret Atwood, Karen Kain, Susanna Moodie, Laura Secord) the number expands to thirty-two at the intermediate level to include such diverse women as Adelaide Hoodless, Flora MacDonald, and Kate and Anna McGarrigle. Each kit contains a biographical sketch of each woman on stiff paper, a watercolour portrait of each, a bulletin board title and name cards, and the associated teaching materials listed above. Although some of the women appear in each kit, the biography of each has been re-written for each age level. The teacher and student activities that accompany the cards are varied and often innovative. The bibliography provided will allow any interest developed by a student to expand further, although, particularly at the primary level, the items listed may be of more relevance to the teacher than the pupil. The only disappointment is the indeterminate orange-and-black drawing of the subject on each biography card. Where available, an actual photograph would seem much more informative (and attractive). Despite this small caveat, these curriculum resources are highly recommended for their purpose: to teach children about prominent women in Canada and to provide a range of positive female role models.
Marian Press, Toronto, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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