Bruemmer, Fred.
Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, c1986. 159pp. cloth, $29.95, ISBN 0-7710-1717-O.CIP
Volume 15 Number 1
Fred Bruemmer. a native of Latvia, has lived in Canada for the past twenty-five years. His fascination with the Arctic is evident by the titles of four of his published books: The Long Hunt (Ryerson, 1969), Seasons of the Eskimo (McClelland and Slewart, 1978), Arctic World (Key Porter, 1985), and finally, Arctic Animals. This last work makes an ideal coffee-table book. The photographs are large, clear, and interesting. The ninety-some included are about equally divided between black-and-white and colour. One can begin to read almost anywhere and still understand what the author is discussing. The many months he spent crisscrossing the Arctic have given Bruemmer a vivid picture of the region in all its seasons. As the title states, he shows the interrelationship of all animals to their environment throughout the year. This includes such variety as insects, birds, sea creatures, mammals, and plant life. The photographs are self-explanatory, but the language is more suited to adults.
Hugh A. Cook, North York Board of Education, North York, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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