Kennedy, Peter and Gary Dorosh.
3rd ed. Scarborough (Ont.), Prentice-Hall, c1987. 212pp, paper. $16.95, ISBN 0-13-196882-3.CIP
Volume 15 Number 2
Dateline Canada consists of a series of newspaper articles on the Canadian economy, with challenging questions following each article. It is divided into microeconomics and macroeconomics sections, and each section has numerous chapters dealing with supply and demand, inflation, monetary policy, and other relevant topics. The principle of using newspaper articles to teach economic concepts must have proven popular with teachers, since this is Dateline Canada's third edition. Most teachers I know collect their own articles to illustrate the theories discussed in text books. The advantage this book offers is in the excellent questions provided. Some or all of these could be assigned as homework to form the basis for the next day's lesson. Enterprising teachers could, of course, prepare their own questions to suit clippings found to be useful. A weakness in using newspapers as a teaching tool at higher levels is that the articles are often superficial. Reporters frequently comment on economic topics without fully understanding the principles involved. Another problem is that writers often have a particular bias or represent a specific school of thought. One example from Dateline Canada is an article on Japanese car quotas by Michael Walker of the Fraser Institute. When using such material, it is necessary to point out the writer's philosophy, and that other viewpoints do exist. A traditional textbook does not cause such a problem, since the authors usually do not try to sway opinion.
Thomas F. Chambers, Canadore C.C., North Bay, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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