Koch, Eric.
Scarborough (Ont.). Prentice-Hall/Newcastle, C1986. Z72pp. cloth. 519.95, ISBN 0-13-467416-2. CIP
Volume 15 Number 2
Debate on the future of the CBC could benefit from consideration of Inside Seven Days. The functions of reporter and news analyst, editorial judgement, popular appeal, and political pressure are vital considerations today, as they were in 1964-65, in documenting the history of a program that achieved tremendous popularity during its two seasons and controversy over its demise, Koch gives a lively sense of the personalities involved and of suspense regarding the program's survival, A style that is at times jerky, and includes incomplete sentences, nevertheless succeeds in generating interest in the real-life drama and mystery that arc prime elements of the story he relates. As a member of CBC's department of public affairs, Koch was acquainted with the events and personalities he describes, although he transferred 10 another department and was not involved in the battle leading to the show's cancellation. While sympathetic to the "Seven Days" team, he does attempt to present both sides of the confrontation. The story centres on CBC in Toronto, but it clearly reflects the atmosphere of the sixties on a wider scene. Photo illustrations picture some of the personalities involved. An index is helpful in locating specific events, people, and issues. .Sources are identified only in rather sketchy end notes; there is no bibliography. I noted some minor inaccuracies in the text. Koch's book will appeal to adults who remember "Seven Days." It could also be an enlightening case-study for high school units on the role of the media, the relationship of government to media, freedom of expression, responsible journalism, or the Canadian social and political climate of the sixties.
Louise Dick, Branksome Hall School, Toronto, Ont. |
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