Haji, Mary and Reiko Takashimi.
Vancouver, Haji and Takashimi, c1985. 106pp. paper, spiral bound, $11.45. Distributed by Mary Haji. 2535 West 16th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., V6K 3B9.
Volume 15 Number 2
Haji, a home economics teacher in a secondary school in Vancouver, and Takashimi, her friend, have co-edited this unattractive spiral-bound collection of Japanese recipes. The publication, which lacks an identifiable publisher, was printed by Russell Pearson and typeset by Vancouver Freelance Litho-Prep. Information about table customs and Japanese meals is superficially cited in the first three pages. This is followed by brief definitions of ingredients, tableware, and utensils. Recipes arc arranged into a month-by-month menu and each month is preceded by a title page with a black-and-white photograph of negligible quality. There are also pen-and-ink drawings of ingredients and utensils used in each recipe. At the conclusion is a chapter entitled "party favourites," which includes a combination of recipes followed by a subject index of recipes. The most attractive features are the colour photographs on the front and back covers. Anyone searching for Japanese recipes and/or information on culture and customs would be better served by the following titles: Andoh's An American Taste of Japan (Morrow, 1985), Green's Japanese Cooking for the American Table (Houghton Mifflin, 1982), or by browsing through any of the numerous cookbooks available on Japanese cuisine. Not recommended.
Bessie Condos Egan, Winnipeg, P.L, Winnipeg, Man. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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