Weeren, Donald.
Calgary, Detselig Enterprises, c1986. 103pp, paper, $10.95, ISBN 0-920490-59-X. CIP
Volume 15 Number 3
Professor Weeren teaches in the education department at Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. His interest, in the various books and articles he has written, focuses on the teaching of religious education in a variety of forms and methods within a multi-faith milieu. The key article in Weeren's book was contributed by Mildred Burrows. Burrows describes in detail the course she developed for teaching biblical literature in a high school in Nova Scotia. Another article, co-authored with Sid Bentley, gives a brief description of a religions of the world course developed for junior high students. The information contained in both of these articles is worth the price of the book. Weeren makes a head-on attempt to come to grips with the sticky problem of teaching religion to people coming from a variety of religious backgrounds, i.e., outside the umbrella of Christianity, and even from different backgrounds within the Christian tradition itself. The author's major thesis is valid: that religion is a part of the educational baggage needed to perfect and deepen one's personal maturity. The idea of handling the problem from a biblical and world religions point of view is Weeren's key insight. All seven chapters spotlight a variety of approaches: "Daily Readings/Prayers: The Toronto Model"; "Religious Study in the Regular Curriculum"; Elective Religious Study in an Elementary/Junior High School." The text concludes with an epilogue. The reader will find the guide to further readings useful in exploring other avenues of study. The margins are adequate and the print clear. However, the notes concluding each chapter are sketchy at best, making it difficult for those wanting to use references for research purposes. This work will prove useful for anyone involved in teaching religious education.
Kenneth A. Elliott, Laval Catholic H.S., Chomedey, Que. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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