
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Stacey, Ann.

Winnipeg, Prairie Publishing, c1986. unpaged, paper, $6.95, ISBN 0-919576-19-2. CIP

K-Grade 5
Reviewed by Patricia Fry

Volume 15 Number 3
1987 May

This first collection of poems by Ann Stacey deserves a place in your library. The poems are excellent to read aloud and her detailed black-and-white illustrations further enhance the humorous, whimsical quality of the writing.

Many of the poems feature strong internal rhyme and almost all are written in rhyming couplets. For the young reader, the rhyming couplets encourage some anticipation of what is to occur next. The continual rhyme is also one reason why the poems are such fun to listen to. Another reason the poems are so enjoyable is the content, which ranges from downright silly in "Come With Me to the Gnomes for Tea" to a neat twist on a traditional plot in "The Enchanted Bear." In the latter, two sisters break a spell by caring for a huge bear and are left with a gorgeous bearskin and a rather foppish, middle-aged prince who insists on marrying one of the rescuers. The girls flip a coin and the winner of the toss ends the poem when she gives her sister a hug and says: “You take the prince-I'll keep the rug!” The one disappointing feature of this collection of poetry is the book itself. It is doubtful that the cheap paper stapled in the middle will stand all the handling that children will want to give to this book. Furthermore, some of the poems, such as "Big Crystal" and "Winter Artistry" really cry out for a minimal touch of colour. The general impression is that these poems deserve a better package.

Ann Stacey tested these poems on her own children as they grew. She has dedicated this collection to her grandchild, Katy, and to any cousins Katy may have in the future. I hope Stacey keeps writing for all children. Recommended.

Patricia Fry, Toronto, Ont.
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Young Canada Works