
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Robert Munsch. Illustrated by Michael Martchenko.
Toronto, ON: Annick Press, 1987.
unpaged, paper.
ISBN 0-90303-74-9 CIP.

Preschool-Kindergarten / Ages 3-5

Reviewed by Gerry Young.

Volume 15 Number 4
1987 July

Another great book by a great pair. Author Robert Munsch and illustrator Michael Martchenko have scored again. This one is about the hectic days of toilet training. Andrew, the little boy in the book is quite believable. Before his parents take him in the car, or dress him in his snowsuit or put him to bed,they ask him, "Andrew, do you gave to go pee?" Andrew assures them most whole-heartedly and repeatedly, "NO.", he doesn't have to go.

But of course, when he is in the car, or snowsuit, or bed, he has to go. The parents cope caringly, if a bit frantically, even when Andrew states assuredly, "I have decided never to go pee again!" We know that Andrew is so busy that he figures he need not bother with that tiresome duty.

Off they go to visit the grandparents, and after a night-time accident there, and Andrew is tucked into bed again, for the last time, he appeals to his grandfather and the two of them go to the bathroom together with loving smiles.

Sure to be enjoyed by many children and parents. Recommended.

Gerry Young, Fort Abelson, BC.
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