Levant, Victor.
Foreword by Gwynne Dyer. Toronto, Between the Lines, 1986. 322pp, paper, ISBN 0-919946-72-0 (cloth) $39.95, 0-919946-73-9 (paper) $16.95. Distributed by Between the Lines, 229 College Street, Toronto, M5T 1R4. CIP
Volume 15 Number 6
Levant claims that, "this book will challenge the official view of Canada's involvement in Vietnam." After having examined all the material he could get his hands on, he paints a picture of Canada as a willing ally in U.S. counter-insurgency efforts. It is a story of diplomatic skulduggery, economic entanglement, and political doubletalk. Although originally written as a doctoral thesis, the author has been successful in rewriting it in a style suitable for the average adult reader. This publication is suitable for use by Grade 11 or 12 students and is recommended for school libraries where there is demand for material on this topic.
Walter Kalyn, Thom C.I., Regina, Sask. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works