Rev. Ed. National Geographic Society, 1986, 1976. Sound Filmstrip. 5-50 frames. $178.70. (1. Ontario 2. Quebec 3. Prairie Provinces and the Northwest Territories 4. Atlantic Provinces 5. British Columbia and the Yukon Territory) Includes teacher's guide and 5 cassettes.
Volume 15 Number 6
Many of the frames of the filmstrips in 1976 and 1986 editions are the same but the ones that have been changed do update settings. The wording in the new text is more specific. Sections in the revised teacher's guide that have been added are discussion topics, activities, and brief glossary. Essentially, however, there is little difference between the old set and the new, certainly not to warrant replacing the old set. Recommended with reservations.
From the Evaluation Committee of the Board of Education for the City of North York. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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