Summit, 1986, Sound Filmstrip. 2 filmstrips, $77.00. (1. Beyond 65 2. Opportunity Knocking) Includes teacher's guide and 2 cassettes.
Volume 15 Number 6
Starting with youthful misconceptions about the aged, this set explores the similarity rather than differences between young and old, and the career opportunities working with the aged, once special needs are clarified. Although not personalized, there is enough personal reference and reinforcement for affective involvement and response. An attempt is made to appeal to several school levels. Though inartistically presented, it tells the story straight and clear. The manual offers the text as well as discussions and activity suggestions. Recommended.
From the Evaluation Committee of the Board of Education for the City of North York. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works