Kane, Marion.
Toronto, Totem Books, 1987. 192pp, paper, $9.95, ISBN 0-00-217756-0. (Recipes originally published in The Toronto Sun). Distributed by Collins. CIP
Volume 16 Number 1
If you want to find out what people are eating these days, read the food section of your newspaper. Chances are good that you will find at least one version of whatever recipes are making the rounds, as well as where to find the mysterious ingredient that makes it taste just right. Cookbooks by the food editors of these newspapers tend to be compendiums of this pulsebeat food journalism, and Best Recipes Under the Sun is no exception. Marion Kane has collected what she thinks are the best recipes published in The Toronto Sun over the past few years, and a pretty good lot it is. This is not to say that everything in the book is terrific. Recipes whose main ingredients are different colours of gelatin and jelly beans do not hold much attraction for me as a cook, but there were certainly enough other recipes not based on cake mixes and instant pudding to hold my attention. For the most part, the dishes taste good and are neither difficult nor time-consuming to prepare. I tried half a dozen, and all of them were tasty and as advertised in the chatty descriptions which accompany each recipe. The book itself is well bound in a quality paperback format. The print is easy to read, and the change in print style to bold for titles and script for the anecdotes makes it visually interesting. The recipe ingredients are given in both metric and imperial measures and in the order in which they are used in the recipe (a positive feature, which not all cookbook writers think of). This collection is interesting and readable, as well as cookable. The warmth and friendliness of the author's style make this a book to be used as more than a simple indicator of what's in in food this month.
Sharon A. McLennan McCue, Cree School Board, Chisasibi, James Bay, Que. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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