MacCormack, Karen.
Toronto, Nightwood Editions, 1987. 96pp, paper, $8.95, ISBN 0-88971-110-0. Distributed by Nightwood Editions. Box 607, Station "C", Toronto, Ont.M6J 3R9.
Volume 16 Number 1
Some of the poems in this very attractively produced collection have appeared in literary journals such as Rampike, CV II, and The raddle moon. At times the reader enjoys the tentative satisfaction of near-comprehension in lines like "a reign impaired this mention only. Sunday in the turnpike words ilic ear brailles." Much more often, the struggle is with passages that are truly cryptic:
A reference in one of the first poems in the collection to "an opacity linked to the not-known" could apply to almost every line in it! Not recommended for high school libraries.
Pat Bolger, Renfrew C.I..Renfrew, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works