Ash, Rochelle Lisa.
Illustrated by Allan Cormack and Deborah Drew-Brook. Richmond Hill (Ont.), Scholastic-TAB, 1987. 32pp, paper, $3.50, ISBN 0-590-71776-6.CIP
Volume 16 Number 1
Rebecca has been diagnosed diabetic and Halloween is coming. She can't share in her friend AMn's enthusiasm about costumes and candy. When one of her friends and eventually Alvin himself become sick for Halloween, Rebecca remembers her stay in the hospital. She comes up with an idea for enjoying Halloween and sharing her candy with others. There is certainly a need for stories on this topic and others like it. However, this story comes across as contrived. It lacks emotion and spontaneity. Rebecca never discusses her diabetes with Alvin. Only her mother seems to know what the problem really is. Finding a way to enjoy Hallowe'en will not end Rebecca's problems. The illustrations are bland and add little verve to the presentation. The paperbound, stapled book has the appearance of a beginning reader. This is the first book by Rochelie Lisa Ash, who currently teaches French immersion in Kitchener, Ontario. The manuscript won the Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario award. Libraries needing stories about children with physical problems may want to acquire this little.
Brenda Watson, Dunsmuir J.S. School. Victoria, B.C. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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