Greig, James D., Introduction by Dr. David Walters.
Scarborough, Globe/Modern Curriculum Press, 1987. 142pp. paper, $3.50, ISBN 0-919-233-28-7. CIP
Volume 16 Number 2
This short book is simply a myriad of information about AIDS arranged in a question-answer format that focuses on the most often asked questions. The areas covered include the symptoms, the high-risk groups, the types of tests, as well as how the virus is spread, how easily it is spread and by what means it is spread other than by human contact. A separate section addresses concerns women might have and the impact of AIDS on the workplace, specifically among health-care workers. Another section of questions relates information to teachers and parents. As the author states in the text, it is "one more vehicle" to provide information about AIDS to the general public. And it is an efficient reference, with an index and a list of pertinent organizations that provide information about AIDS. Although the author is not a health-care professional, the book was co-published with the Canadian Public Health Association.
Lois Hird, Calgary, Alta. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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