Shipley, Robert.
Illustrated by Robert Shipley. St. Catharines (Ont.), Moonstone Press, 1987. 24pp, paper, $4.95, ISBN 0-920259-14-6. CIP
Volume 16 Number 2
A little girl whose mother has warned her not to walk in mud puddles is disobedient, and what happens then is something of a mystery. The fence post, falling leaf, road sign, umbrella and rubber boot who observed the affair all have eyewitness accounts—and each one contradicts all the others. It is, however, quite obvious that the little girl shouldn't have been naughty, and that the brother who came to her rescue is the hero of the day. Rather an overdose of 'cute,' and apart from a promising, brightly coloured cover, rather a drab and unattractive production.
Joan McGrath, Toronto Board of Education, Toronto, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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