Robert Munsch. Illustrated by Michael Martchenko.
Volume 16 Number 3
Robert Munsch has done it again - with a simple story full of exaggeration and repetition sure to delight many youngsters. The action centres on Moira's sixth birthday party. She wants to invite all the children in her school to her party (typical six-year-old), but her parents have limited the number of guests to six (typical parents!). The ludicrous possibility becomes reality when hundreds of boys and girls show up at the party. The children's excitement and enjoyment increase, as does the parents' dismay. Finally, when even Moira appears daunted by the huge pile of presents, she has a great idea - every kid who helps tidy the mess they have created gets a present. In five minutes, the job is done and the exhausted parents watch hundreds of children file out of the house. But the peace is short lived. As the last child leaves, two trucks arrive with 190 pizzas and 190 birthday cakes, the rest of the order that was placed at the hectic height of the party. The reader can just about turn back to the beginning for the solution to that one! Michael Martchenko, who has illustrated many of Munsch's earlier books, drew the pictures for this one, too. The drawings are full colour and full page and certainly capture the lively spirit of the story.Patricia Fry, Toronto, ON. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works