Edited by Charles N. Forward.
Victoria (B.C.), University of Victoria, 1987. 433pp, paper, $18.00, ISBN 0-919838-12-X. Distributed by Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C. V8W 2Y2. (Western Geographical Series, Volume 22). CIP
Volume 16 Number 3
This text is written for the college level student. Due to the book's comprehensive nature, British Columbia: Its Resources and People will have limited appeal to high school students. This is particularly true of the physical geography sections. The book provides eighteen essays by different authors. Two chapters deal with history, three, with physical geography, and seven, with resource topics. Earlier chapters provide background for the more specialized chapters that follow. Good information is contained in the forty-three tables. Most of the diagrams are well drawn. A few of the maps are a bit fuzzy, but each is valuable, even to junior students. Most chapters end with a summary, which could just as easily be used as a preface. The bibliographies at the end of each chapter refer the reader to useful additional sources. The Douglas Porteous map on male-dominated areas of Canada merits thought. Having lived in the maritime area he depicts, I understand how serious a problem this imbalance can sometimes be. Porteous's comments on husband-wife job sharing are also worth further consideration. The essays on tourism, marine-based recreation, and land-based recreation would be useful in many areas of social studies. It seems unusual to have a discussion of the Chinese communities with no reference to the Japanese experience, since many of the prejudices against the Japanese also affected the Chinese. If this book has a fault, it is that each essay is short. This is necessary because of the large number of topics covered. The mixture of physical, human, and economic topics is good, and the text is a worthy addition to the "Western Geographical Series."
Robin Lewis, Riverdale High School, Pierrefonds, Que. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works