Podborski, Steve with Gerald Donaldson.
Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1987. 237pp, paper, $15.95, ISBN 0-7710-7025-X.CIP
Volume 16 Number 3
In 1982, Steve Podborski became the first non-European male to win a World Cup Downhill Skiing Championship. In this often personal and chatty autobiography he not only recalls all the events leading up to this accomplishment, but also manages to give us the history of the Crazy Canucks and their accomplishments. Podborski! gives good insight into the sacrifices and commitment required to become a championship athlete. Podborski uses this opportunity to take the media and the Canadian Ski Association to task for their roles in making his and other skiers' lives more difficult. This book is written in a style that can easily be read by most high school students. Podborski's recollections are often very candid and the language is often that used on a ski hill (including occasional profanities but no big "F"s), Competitive skiers, as well as others interested in the world of competitive sports, would do well to read this book to gain insights into the life of a world-class athlete. Unfortunately, names of sports heroes quickly fade into history and today's high school students likely won't recognize the name Podborski. However, the book is recommended for high school sports and biography collections.
Walter Kalyn, Thorn Collegiate, Regina, Sask. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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