McBurney, Margaret and Mary Byers.
Toronto, University of Toronto Press. 1987. 259pp, cloth, $29.95, ISBN 0-8020-5732-3. CIP
Volume 16 Number 3
McBurney and Byers, collaborators on three previous books on the architecture and social history of pioneer Ontario, here turn their incisive research skills to the fascinating topic of early inns and taverns. These inns provided much more than food, drink and lodging. Often the only public buildings in their areas, they served as market-place and meeting hall, court-house and church, banquet hall and theatre. With the aid of contemporary letters and diaries, the authors bring to life both the interesting characters who ran these versatile establishments and their equally eccentric guests. The reproductions of well-chosen photographs and documents add further authenticity to the writers' frequently humorous but always sympathetic portrait of the rigours of pioneer life and travel. Although the very depth of the research will restrict the usage of this reference tool to senior level students and staff, (he patient reader will emerge with an accurate impression of daily life during the important developmental years of Ontario's cities and towns. Few oilier recent works have been as successful in combining historical fact with an entertaining tale. The extensive bibliography and index heighten the educational value of the book. HighJy recommended.
Michael Freeman, Bathurst Heights S.S., North York, Ont. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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