Edited by Ken Weber and Cecile Weber.
Toronto, Globe/Modern Curriculum Press. 1987. 1094pp. cloth. $18.50. ISBN 0-88996-128-X. CIP
Volume 16 Number 4
This adaptation of Webster's New World Dictionary for Young Readers contains 50,000 entries and 500 illustrations. The Canadian clement consists of 2,000 Canadian words and five appendices. The seemingly significant number of Canadian words suggests a unique work. However, a quick sampling of the first fifty Canadian words (identified by a small black maple leaf) indicated that thirty-seven were proper nouns or acronyms-names of people, places or organizations. If you have access to a Canadian biographical dictionary and a Canadian gazetteer or place names dictionary, you already have most of the entries available to your students. The final section, the appendices, certainly attempts to provide unique and useful Canadian information. "Canada and the Provinces" lists, in tabular form, capital cities, dates of entry into confederation, population in millions (1981 census), and official flowers and mottoes. "Prime Ministers of Canada" lists birth place, time in office, and party affiliation. "Governors General of Canada" is divided into three sections-French Regime, British Regime and Post-Confederation—with dates to indicate term of office. "Provincial Premiers" are listed by party and term. Finally, "Fathers of Confederation" are identified by vocation and region of Canada represented. All of this is useful information not usually found in this form. The constant problem of lists' becoming dated is in evidence here; the current premier of New Brunswick is not included. This is an adequate dictionary. A school library/learning resources centre needs several examples of abridged dictionaries in its collection; this could serve as one.
P.J. Hammel, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works