Harpur, Tom.
Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1987. 175pp. paper, $9.95. ISBN 19-5406508. CIP
Volume 16 Number 5
This work is a collection of recent short articles that have appeared in Harpur's popular syndicated columns. In fewer than two hundred pages Harpur treats the most sensitive issues of the latter third of the twentieth century. Within the confines of six chapters, Harpur discusses such topics as these: faith, good and bad religions, spiritual healing, ecstasy, resurrection, life after death, TV evangelists, misusing the Bible, homosexuality, women in the church, the shadow side of religion, anti-Semitism and Christianity, abortion, divorce, family ties, animals and medical research, native people, celibacy, the pope and American Catholics, a religious "hall of shame," fear and prejudice, anger, what makes life worth living, and depression. For anyone involved in education, particularly the humanities, this book is a must for the required reading list. For anyone seeking viable solutions to the hard questions of our uncertain times, this work offers the hope and humour required for their solution.
Kenneth Elliott, Laval Catholic High School, Chomedey, Que. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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Young Canada Works