Krech, Shepard.
Winnipeg. University of Winnipeg, 1986. 214pp. paper. $12.00. Distributed by Rupert's Land Research Centre, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg. Man. R3B 2E9.
Volume 16 Number 5
This, unfortunately, is not a selection tool for teacher-librarians who would like to strengthen native resources in their elementary or high school libraries. It Is primarily, as Indicated by the compiler, for the use of advanced undergraduate university students who will be "guided by specialists with a broad knowledge of Canadian natives" as they write their "semester research papers." This is a scholarly bibliography; if some of the titles could serve at the high school level, there is no indication of reading or use levels other than the "advanced undergraduates" suggested in the introduction. There are no annotations describing content and no suggestion of availability. Costs, similarly, are not mentioned; references to scholarly sets and scholarly journals, however, would suggest rather exorbitant prices. One might be able, on the basis of careful examination, to find a few current titles that might be useful in a high school, but it would not be worth the time and effort. I repeat: this is not a selection tool.
P.J. Hammel, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask. |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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